L6 - infrastructures of care
Studio 4 Design Resolution: Care-full Communities
L6 notes on living form vs form for living
habraken - Type as Social Agreement
Latour - ANTs view
Living form:
Rachel Armstrong - Living Architecture
Fabricate 2020 - UCL
Form + Code
Space syntax: https://isovists.org/?s=09
See Future Everything - Digital Public Spaces
Current Collective bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19nazY3iErnGy2BTNlB1CtvNrPAOJNf1Y6qkkh11qGiQ/edit?fbclid=IwAR1KlVqmU2OhLY8zTHm130HN7FAazR7N5J-Mnn76-bwB7kq9tvPzMwm-QUE
UN Studio - Move extract
https://reallifemag.com/ - living with technology
notes from post-grad studios
2016-17 readers:
Stock Orchard Street - Wigglesworth Flexible Housing - Schneider/Till SPAN - Eric Lyons et al - pursue landscape focus Dark Matter + Trojan Horses - Dan Hill An ANT’s view of architecture - Latour / Yaneva Here - Richard McGuire
Readers Essential: Place of Houses - Charles Moore Flexible Housing - Till/Schneider Dark Matter + Trojan Horses - Dan Hill An ANT’s view of architecture - Latour/Yaneva
Additional: Future Practice - Bryan Boyer What Is Architecture? + Cultivated Wilderness - Paul Shepheard Extrastatecraft - Keller Easterling (‘Disposition’ chapter in particular) Against the Smart City - Adam Greenfield > http://www.amazon.co.uk/Against-smart-city-here-Book-ebook/dp/B00FHQ5DBS/ Infrastructure Fiction - Paul Graham-Raven > http://superflux.in/blog/infrastructure-fiction How to build a Smarter City: 23 design principles for digital urbanism - Rick Robinson > http://theurbantechnologist.com/2013/06/17/how-to-build-a-smarter-city-23-design-principles-for-digital-urbanism/ Solutions for the Housing Shortage - Shelter > http://england.shelter.org.uk/professional_resources/policy_and_research/policy_library/policy_library_folder/briefing_solutions_for_the_housing_shortage Towards New Urban Mobility report - LSE > https://lsecities.net/publications/reports/towards-new-urban-mobility/ Around and About Stock Orchard Street - ed. Sarah Wigglesworth The Architecture Machine - Nicholas Negroponte (copy available online) Cohousing in Britain - Diggers and Dreamers Cohousing - McCamant & Durrett Cohousing Cultures - http://cohousing-cultures.net/?lang=en
Dark Matter & Trojan Horses - Dan Hill
Architecture Depends - Jeremy Till Future Practice - Rory Hyde Around & About Stock Orchard Street - Sarah Wigglesworth[a] Machine Architecture - Nicholas Negroponte (see http://no2self.net/2013/07/04/1474/ )
Possibly some content from Crimson: http://www.crimsonweb.org, Owen Hatherley and FAT in the lead up to next year’s Biennale[b]
Cohousing & Self-Build titles?
Out of the Woods - Segal technique book Cohousing in Britain
Planned communities and/or Intentional communities - explore notion of un-designed urban structures and infrastructures that allow for time and coincidence
Paul Graham-Raven: http://superflux.in/blog/infrastructure-fiction
Smart city discussions:
Grub city: http://www.wired.co.uk/magazine/archive/2013/07/ideas-bank/in-praise-of-messy-cities
vs. the Songdo version: http://newsroom.cisco.com/songdo
This by Adam Greenfield is the perfect guide to what we should avoid:
Futr Everything conference document on the topic of digital public space:
One for the reading list - Wigglesworth on form again in BD: