
Reminisce – people and books

Some more entries chosen from the archives. Influential ideas from people and pages… People Enthusiasm for tomorrow (RIP Tony Goodall) Memorial speech for my friend and mentor Concrete Ideas (Denys Lasdun) Chairs and the architects that sat in them Letters on meditation (Matt Webb) Learning how to let go Wayne Jacobs (Wayne Hemingway) Letter to …


Tony Goodall 1939-2006

It’s with a heavy heart that I return to this journal. On Thursday of last week at 4am, my friend Tony Goodall lost his fight with an illness that had hospitalized him a few weeks earlier. It all happened much quicker than any of us expected and at the time I was on holiday, camping …


do the maths

Toyo Ito wins Taichung Opera House competition: Damon Albarn’s Dad, Keith, has fun with numbers: (thanks to iTony for the Albarn link)